One of the key aspects of the CD-i format is its wide variety of controllers. Next to the gamepads Philips offered a CD-i Mouse and a CD-i Trackerball. For consumers these were in a dark-grey color. I remember this trackerball was very expensive, around 150 guilders if I remember correctly. There were many CD-i titles that you could perfectly control with a trackerball, including shooting games: The trackerball often offered more accuracy rather than the PeaceKeeper Gun. In the professional field these mouses and trackerballs were also popular, next to the original thumbstick. It appeared that Philips also released 'white' coloured versions of the CD-i Mouse and the CD-i Trackerball. Perhaps accompanying the professional line of CD-i players, which were mostly also white coloured instead of black.
This is the original CD-i Trackball, catalogued 22ER9013. It was used a lot in demonstration setups, in libraries, hospitals, in kiosk systems that were focused towards a more grown-up audience, offering reference titles (encyclopedias) or even shooting games (like they had in the dutch Superclub!)