If there is one game that carries the spirit of the CD-i games by The Vision Factory, it must be the prototype of CatGun. CatGun was developed by PixelHazard, a name you possibly remember from the copyright section of Lucky Luke on CD-i. PixelHazard consisted of two people who had left SPC (but you probably know this); they were hired to produce Lucky Luke for SPC (using the SPC library and on lent CD-i hardware). After that they did a demo of a PC game "CatGun" in the typical Luke/Arjen style (many many sprites) that was demo'd left and right, but I don't know what happened to them after that.
We have a couple of copies of this CatGun demo disc. The graphics look very similar at what we know of what The Vision Factory created on CD-i. In the case of CatGun, the amount of sprites was a lot higher and the action on screen was pretty intense, so we doubt if this could actually work on CD-i. But this demo was also presented to Sony to get interest to release this game on Playstation. Unfortunately, as PixelHazard faced some internal re-organizations, this game was cancelled before it was finished. A shame because the potential was great! You can see the SPC Vision style very clear in this!
Hans and Felix (from eque.org) had nearly given up any hope of success when they received a call from PixelHazard, a Dutch duo which was preparing a CD-ROM game for the PC called Catgun. PixelHazard learned about Hans and Felix from one of Felix' friends. This was a very good opportunity for Hans and Felix. They wanted to write music for the computer game market and now they would have the opportunity. PixelHazard hired them to produce 40 minutes of digital audio. It was time for a fresh start so Hans and Felix changed the name of their production company to Fluxus Music Production. (FMP). The project for PixelHazard could open many new opportunities for Hans and for Felix, who had just graduated. Catgun was presented at a game developer's and publisher's fair in London. A number of big companies were interested in the game and told Hans and Felix that they especially liked the embedded 44.1Khz CD-quality music. This was the first platform game which had real CD-audio. Although one publisher (Philips Interactive) signed a contract with PixelHazard, Catgun was never released due to reorganisations.
PixelHazard, a Dutch duo which was preparing a CD-ROM game for the PC called
"Catgun, Victory Mission G" in the late 90's. PixelHazard hired Hans Ouwejan his co-worker Felix to produce 40 minutes of digital audio for this game. Catgun was finally presented at a game developer's and publisher's fair in London. A number of big companies (SONY, BMG, Philips etc) were interested in the game and they especially liked the embedded 44.1Khz CD-quality music. Not 30 second internal speaker loops, but real 44.1Khz tracks. This one is called "Techno Level". Also on Youtube Music, Spotify, Deezer, Itunes etc or go to www.hansouwejan.nl
About the game: "Deep in the inner regions of the Cat's Eye Nebula, the dark troops of EvilNeko, former CATfleet commander, have taken over a peaceful planet. Orbiting the planet are five moons. EvilNeko has installed factories on the surface of the moons that extract their natural resources in order to build giant destroyer ships for his final offensive against CATfleet"
[Thanks, Hans Ouwejan, Felix, cdifan, The Vision Factory crew members]