From an old interview:
"Mass Media, based in Moorpark, California, is the newest addition to the THQ Studio System. Previously they created the CDi Tetris game and many of the team members have a passion for Tetris and the puzzle genre. They have worked on a wide range of products in the past and are currently focused on next-gen development. We're very excited to have them as part of the THQ Studio System, working exclusively on THQ titles now. They developed the concept for Tetris Evolution and the new gameplay modes, and have overseen the product all the way through to completion. Mass Media developed Tetris for the Compact Disc Interactive, known as CDi, the first CD-based entertainment system platform back toward the dawn of time. We've also accumulated a few hundred mini-games in our portfolio over the years, many of which were puzzle-based, so our puzzle roots run very deep. "
[Thanks, Rob Shepherd, Kevin Hooper]