Next to the consumer CD-i players made by Philips like the 210, 220 and the 450 model, Philips also released quite a few professional players. All of these were intended to the professional use of CD-i: Developing tools with authoring software, but of course they could all be used as normal CD-i players as well. They had a standard width so they could be built in a computer rack, they could be connected to PC's as well and they had different in/output ports.
But as they were not sold in regular stores, they became pretty rare. We don' t know how many were built in the end. And with that it' s difficult to find some close up pictures with all the nice details for websites like Interactive Dreams!
Sometimes, auction sites like ebay are your friend, or a rare fellow collector who got theit hands on one of these players. Here you can find a few close-up pictures of the CD-i 660.
On ICDIA, not much info is available either. About the 660: "Professional player with integrated Digital Video. The system's player shell can be adapted to individual needs by rejecting certain discs, disable playback of CD-Audio and displaying a customized message."
A nice thing is, Omegalfa from The World of CD-i posted the picture above of the 660. He tells us that he has received this player, so he will be able to create some detailed pictures for us, how great is that! Thanks in advance, Omegalfa!
The 660/670 is my second favourite CD-i player, the first and best one is still the CD-i 740 (The final CD-i player made by Philips in 1997!) It has the same lay-out as the professional 660, but with a black look, and the center buttons are replaced with a led screen:
As with the professional CD-i players, it's again very difficult to find some detailed high-res pictures of the CD-i 740. If you have any, please share it with us.