Blazers has an awesome collection and he is responsible for most of the disc additions to the CD-i catalogue lately, let's give him a high five for sharing all these CD-i discs with us! And thanks to Seventyy Seven (same guy as Dizzzy Dubs?) from the Preserve CD-i blog for making them available to all of us! Blazers shared some early pics here: but these are much MUCH better. This 1993 CapDisc disc was a promising effort to digitize the telephone paper work, in a time before the internet. Original scans you can find here.
When you count all compatible CD-i discs, including all video-cd's, CD-i bridge titles and CD-i Rainbow formats, there are thousands of discs to collect. Even today, after 20 years of CD-i researching, there are unknown CD-i titles popping up. As the CD-i community discovers so many titles lately, we are passing by all of them in a new series of chronicles on Interactive Dreams: The Rare CD-i Records.
CD-i member Seventyy Seven even shared some image and video material of this disc, have a look below:
[Credits: Seventyy Seven, Blazers]