Most of the demonstration CD-i discs that were given away for free with the Gold Club Catalogue or CD-i Magazine were Video-CD's. A few of these discs were used internationally: The Philips Media Games trailer disc was also bundled with the UK CD-i Magazine for example. CD-i member Jaco van Schie added another few to our catalogue: The one above is 'De Kinderdisc", another Video CD encoded by Valkieser (most demonstration CD-i's like this were coded by Valkieser) and shows trailers of various CD-i kids titles. To increase its attraction, there was also a kids' CD-i story on it, taken right from the Video CD "Een ijsbeer in de Tropen":
Another example of a free CD-i demo was the Photo CD demo disc. It must have been one of the early days when this was shared. If you did not have a subscription to CD-i Magazine, these discs were also bundled with the Gold Club Magazine, which was also sent to your home periodically. I wonder if this Photo CD demo disc was the same as what we've seen in the Philips Media Sampler Pack?
"De Filmmaand" gave an overview of trailers of current and upcoming Video CD's published by Philips Media.
The CD-i Games disc is still a popular CD-i disc as it has lots of trailers of CD-i games, which are nowadays also uploaded to YouTube.
[Credits: CD-i member Jaco van Schie, via The CD-i Community]