The title is called 'Interactief Philips Magazine '92/'93 Point of Information and it was used in a kiosk system at retailers. Last week CD-i member Jaco van Schie showed us the first copy and now CD-i member Marc Naninck appears to have a second copy! Thanks to him we can have a look at how the title looks like. It is showing the Philips product range from PC products to audio products, animated by a little friend as you can see on the cover, he guides you through it with instructions and tells information about the product. We are not aware if Philips made its Philips Magazine interactive for more than one year, as this 1992/1993 issue is the only one that we know of! It's nonetheless again a great piece of CD-i history!
[Thanks, Marc Naninck, Jaco van Schie, from our CD-i Community]