We've seen more often french testing phase cd-i discs that have the tag 'francais' behind their name. In these cases, it's a specific french dubbed and translated version. In the early years of CD-i, many CD-i's were dubbed and translated in local languages, including dutch, german and italian. It might be a coincidence, but in testing discs that surafeced over the years we've never seen any 'Link Nederlands' or 'Burn:Cycle Deutch' CD-i disc, but somehow we've seen more than 1 'Link Francais' and 'Asterix Francais'. From the contents that are in the possession of the Interactive Dreams Team, we've not found any differences yet, but it's a small little CD-i detail that we still love and we wonder when we will find any other CD-i testing disc specifically about translating differences in a local language :)