The CD-i Emulator was launched on September 29, 2005. That means this year it will celebrate its 15th year anniversary. Of course a nice moment to celebrate that we can already enjoy 15 years of fairly complete CD-i emulation. CD-i Fan, the author of the CD-i Emulator project, hinted a few times this moment will indeed be celebrated by ... well you will have to wait and see. Digital Video is emulated very neatly and this is a real benefit over the MAME CD-i emulation efforts. As there is currently no 0.53 version of CD-i Emulator 'officially' available, we have to rely on the downloads that are floating on the internet. Even the BIOS files of the CD-i player and Digital Video Cartridge are available online. The first version that will be made available to the public will not be 0.53 beta 5, but a more general update like 0.6 or even higher. CD-i Fan always claimed it will not be a 1.0 version yet as there is yet much to improve.
Together with a few CD-i members we have done some new compatibility tests: New titles that are now fully compatible with CD-i Emulator 0.53 beta 4 (which you can find online). New additions that are fully playable:
- Alien Gate
- BMP Puzzle
- Cluedo (some crashes but due to PC setup)
- Crime Patrol (Digital Video!)
- Dimo's Quest
- Hieroglyph
- Kingdom: The Far Reaches (Digital Video!)
- Kingdom 2: Shadoan (Digital Video!)
- L'Affair Morlov
- Labyrinth of Crete (Digital Video!)
- Lemmings
- Lingo
- Link: Faces of Evil
- Litil Divil
- Lords of the Rising Sun
- Lost Eden (slowdown, due to PC setup)
- Lucky Luke (slowdown, due to PC setup)
- Mad Dog McCree (Digital Video!)
- Mad Dog 2: The Lost Gold (Digital Video!)
- Magic Eraser
- Merlin's Apprentice
- Micro Machines
- Mutant Rampage (Digital Video!)
- Myst
- Mystic Midway: Phantom Express
- Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces
- The 7th Guest (Digital Video!)
- The Last Bounty Hunter (Digital Video!)
- Third Degree
[Thanks, Patrick, Glenn, BurnCycle, Bas, CD-i Fan, Hyperxblue]