This article was published in Edge Magazine in 1994. It has an interesting (and returning) quote about a new Star Trek movie, specifically developed on CD-i.
Edge Magazine: "A new Star Trek is also in development, but this time the viewer can interact with the cast, changing the plotline and influencing the film's ending. In recent interviews with the management of Philips Media, this interactive Star Trek movie was also mentioned. It was a project in development bij Philips Point-of-View, but it never happened.
The idea was to shoot the movie in a way how the Tim & Bear series were developed, but now with real actors, with an adult Star Trek setting. Perhaps a bit how dutch interactive movie "De Zaak van Sam" ended up on CD-i in 1997. Philips Media signed a deal with Paramount to develop a Star Trek movie, but for unknown reasons the project was never realized. In CD-i Magazine it was mentioned that Philips POV was "Opting to make a spin-off just like with Thunder in Paradise", but it may well be that these were only paper plans! Of course we wonder if they ever shot any material that may surface somwhere!