CD-i member Arethius Rgc posted an interesting post about CD Shoot: "Before the re-release in Europe CD-Shoot had a different label depending of the country. On the left the french version.On the right the dutch version. Nota: the re-released was on a classic jewel case with all 6 european languages."
Philips Media had local divisions in each bigger country (Germany, Benelux, France, UK) who had the authority over publishing CD-i titles in their area. A developing studio often hands over material to create a cover, but it is the publisher who decides how the cover will look like. In this case, the cover of CD Shoot is different between european countries. In the world of CD-i, this is quite rare. We have a few boxart differences between EUR and USA releases like with The Apprentice and Video Speedway but Iǘe never seen local differences like this.
[Thanks, Arethius Rgc]