The original June 1995 update of 'Dictionnaire Hachette Multimedia' featured a fully upgraded Digital Video version of the French encyclopedia. This was also released in a big box CD-ROM style box, exclusively in France. It is such a pity the encyclopedias and dictionaires on CD-i were often local affairs, as each and every version is highly interesting and technically very impressive. It was also a EU funded project, and as with several encyclopedias, Philips releases a 'Digital Video' version a few years after the original release. Philips CD-i was a unique platform that did not only offered games, but also heavily invested in movies and reference titles like encyclopedias (which was at the time, pre-internet, pretty unique to be able to buy and play this on your television.
1995 was a year that brought us several local updates of the encyclopedias we had in countries like Germany, France and USA. They all (Bertelsmann, Hachette, Compton) released a new Digital Video version this year, featuring full motion video. This happened thanks to the momentum of CD-i this year and seemed on the late side as Digital Video was introduced in 1993!
[Thanks, KailoKyra]