It's no secret we received quite some requests of 'taking CD-i images down' because of claimed copyright, unfortunately just by one website, which we won't call by name. How is this arranged in the official way? What does the law say about sharing CD-i material? In the future, we will refer to this post.
"I dived into the field of copyright a while ago with experts at work. CD-i screenshots do not hold any copyright in a sense that sharing is not allowed (whether or not you are credited with it), and following the law there is no such official need as asking permission before we can share it. Sharing is not prohibited by law. About asking first, it's impossible, and while it would be perfect courtesy, it asks an administration which would make any kind of hobby website impossible. If you don't want to share, don't do it. We would violate the law when we would claim CD-i material is mine and post it that way. Sharing is simply not prohibited."
"Within The Netherlands CD-i material (image/video) is copyrighted which is just a thing that automatically happens, you do not have publishing control as soon as it hits a 3rd party. So sharing is not protected in any way, because we all use 3rd parties for that. "
Moreover, when you film/capture CD-i material, you did not make the material itself. That's why it can't be copyrighted, you cannot claim the rights of stuff you film/capture from someone else (these rights are perhaps in oblivion as the company might not exist anymore, but it's not something to claim."
In the case of Philips CD-i material, the true and only copyright is with Philips or the original CD-i developer itself.
cdifan adds an interesting note about related copyrights: "On a somewhat related issue... Philips has informally stated that they would not themselves go after copyright infringement over CD-i BIOS ROMs distributed with a free emulator. However, they also stated that these ROMs also contain stuff that's not theirs (e.g. it belongs to Microware and/or some third-party driver writers and was distributed in CD-i players under license) and that they could not give any guarantees about those parts. This is the reason I have never distributed ROMs with my emulator."
This information is gathered by connecting to law experts (just to be honest and true to anyone who is claiming credits and copyright)