"Nichts ist Unmoglich" is a German exlcusive Video CD, translated from the original French version of 'La Vie privee des Animaux'. Originally on video tape (VHS), but this version was released in 1994. It is licensed by Atlas Film, produced by Studio Lavabo 92 and produced on CD-i by Philips Media in Germany. It is close to what I reember from 'Animal Crackers', a humorous title full of video's where animals have voices, which is often hilarious. The Philips Media copyright is printed differently compared to other Video CD's from that time period, lacking the official lay-out. This is apparently the second disc, so it was probably part of a series. Thanks to CD-i member Seventy7 the second disc popped up, which was offered -again- by CD-i member Blazers.
[Thanks, Seventy7, Blazers]