The first CD-i Emulator was released 15 years ago and the author, CD-i Fan, has mentioned several times that he is still working on a new version. The current Digital Video support is actually pretty amazing and the current level of compatibility is unique. Even the MAME CD-i Emulator, which is based on the code of CD-i Fan's own CD-i Emulator, does by far not work as good as CD-i Fan's own effort. Due to undocumented parts of the CD-i hardware it requires a lot of reverse engineering by CD-i Fan to properly code a CD-i Emulator. However, he recently shared the following about if he is still working on the development of CD-i Emulator: "When I have time and inclination, yes. But it goes very slow nowadays and there is lots of unfinished work. A new release this year is a new-year resolution of mine." - He previously hinted that a new release would be nice to celebrate the official 30th birthday of CD-i, on October 15 this year.
Also interesting are the intentions of at least two CD-i members to dabble in CD-i software development themselves. All current homebrew CD-i sofware made use in one way or another of the extensive documentation resources of ICDIA and cdifan's archive. CD-i is not well documented and moreover it is a complicated format, but more documentation is waiting to be published. cdifan:"I have a multi-year project to bring all the required documentation online at ICDIA. It's not done yet but I'd say complete enough to be workable. The main things missing are Philips TechNotes. Still requires a lot of investment in reading and understanding stuff, there is no quick and easy tutorial."
[Thanks, cdifan]