To show Philips what was possible on CD-i, and attracting students to the DIMA / Creative Media studio in The Netherlands, one of the interns assignment was to port Super Mario Bros to CD-i. It was never meant to be released on CD-i, but it was a proof-of-concept to show what was technically possible on CD-i. The same counts for Joe Guard, a platform that we revealed here years ago. Joe Guard also was never meant to be released. Normally these kind of projects would never see the light of day. But it's nice and intriguing that NES games like Super Mario Bros runs very well on CD-i; it makes me wonder in times like these it would be possible again to port games to CD-i with minor effort. Seeing the amount of homebrew on CD-i is very low, the system is rather complicated so this might well be a marvelous job by the DIMA student!