We love digging for unknown CD-i trivia bits at Interactive Dreams and Hotel Mario is no exception! 25 Years after its release and we're still talking about it. This time it's another time about a rumoured 8th Hotel, only unlocked once the game has been completed in under an hour. I don't think anyone has ever succeeded in this! I'm aware of the rumor of an 8th Hotel, we have found some proof that it actually exists. First, there's a small space on the map screen to the right of Bowser's Hotel where an eighth one could ostensibly fit. Next, the guy who claims the 8th Hotel would show up after you finish the game in under an hour, also discovered the Hotel Mario Warp Zone, which actually exists.
Well there is some more evidence pointing to its existance thanks to a little investigative work by Goodtime Retro Cafe. Interactive Dreams has also confirmed this evidence as you can see from this IsoBuster screen...
Devin explains: "Although we'd argue the alleged 8th missing hotel is in fact the zeroth. Perhaps we should explain! Delving beneath the file structure on the Hotel Mario CD-i disc, several files called cdi_LX are present, replace the X with the level number and various nonsensical file extensions follow.
If anyone figures out how to access the fabled 8th Hotel, or can disprove its existence, let us know! If you can confirm the 8th Hotel, we'll shower you in CD-i games... or at least whatever we have littering the floor at the Interactive Dreams HQ!
[Thanks, Devin]
Nevertheless it seems that every hotel has 6 accompanying files that follow a logical format. Confused? Good! I'll continue then... Levels for hotels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are present but number 6 is missing. Then the cdi_LX files picks up on 7 and then 8. All these files are labelled identically with the same types of file except the zeroth hotel! So we summise this is the lost hotel that could, perhaps, be unlocked. It's not an impossibility!
Besides this tentative evidence we have further proof that an 8th Hotel Stage exists. Although we're not entirely sure it was ever implemented within the game itself with the final proof required in the form of videos or screens. "
Besides this tentative evidence we have further proof that an 8th Hotel Stage exists. Although we're not entirely sure it was ever implemented within the game itself with the final proof required in the form of videos or screens. "
If anyone figures out how to access the fabled 8th Hotel, or can disprove its existence, let us know! If you can confirm the 8th Hotel, we'll shower you in CD-i games... or at least whatever we have littering the floor at the Interactive Dreams HQ!
[Thanks, Devin]