This is a rare game based on Christopher Manson's interactive book Maze and released as an interactive title by Fathom Pictures, who also produced "Escape from Cybercity" on CD-i.
The graphics are reproductions of the rooms from the pages of the book, which are illustrated with Manson's original art. Each room is entirely different, and each contains clues to solve the riddle as well as doors to other rooms. Clues are found in the artwork of the room and in animations. After Fathom Pictures acquired the rights to do the book as a CD-I title, the graphic artist lead for the project copied out the pages from the book, and hand-painted them with water colors. She then scanned the results in. Her website is at, and it has some frames from this game, as well as cover art she did for the unreleased CD-i game "Return to Cybercity"
Now a downloadable ISO showed up at Gametronik, found by a flea market collection the same time Voyeur 2 surfaced here.