Burn:Cycle was a landmark software title for the CD-i and probably the single game most people associate with the platform. Developed by Trip Media the game offered an immersive 3D environment to explore which was quite a unique experience at the time. Due to the games advanced graphics it's a common mistake to class Burn Cycle as a Digital Video release but it is in fact a base case title compatible with all CD-i players without the need for a Digital Video Cartridge upgrade. This was made possible with an innovative technique that streamed data directly off of the CD to create the Burn:Cycle universe.
Logic Bomb was the working title for Burn:Cycle and still features during the introduction sequence. As Sol Cutter first becomes infected with the Burn:Cycle watch the monitor closely and you'll notice it reads "Logic Bomb Detected". This can also be viewed through the Retail Video used to promote Burn:Cycle in stores.