In dutch shops, the CD-i 450 was introduced September 3, 1994. Philips started on September 2 an important marketing campagne, clearly stating a pricedrop of CD-i (now avalable below 500 NLG!) and emphasizing a lot more on upcoming games. That's exactly 25 years ago. It was kind of a re-release of CD-i, changing it's market proposition more towards gaming at a lower pricepoint.
The Philips CD-i 450 was an important milestone for CD-i. Not only was it the first time Philips managed to get the price below 500 NLG (250 dollar, excluding the Digital Video Cartridge)), but it was also a different design compared to the other CD-i players. The 2xx series and 910/205 players were positioned as the likes of hi-fi components, the size and design were aimed to fit with the existing Philips electronics around your television.
The CD-i 450 model was also introduced in US by Magnavox (fully owned by Philips, but with a better brand name in the gaming business)
The former New Media Systems continued the design rules of their line of electronics. Growing more towards ONE Philips (Philips at that time was still a large conglomerate), the CD-i 450 was designed by Philips Design. They were inspired by other home consoles like Nintendo and Sega. Focus on lower costs, with a playful stand-alone design (attracting more to kids). They did a good job with this. The dutch paper 'Trouw' printed in one of their 1995 articles that the CD-i 450 was Philips' most succesful CD-i model.