It's been a while since we talked about Project RZ, the new game by CD-i member Dopply who also made the remasters of Link: Faces of Evil and Zelda: Wand of Gamelon. The latest news is that the game is in a very early but playable state. Dopply: "I am looking for playtesters for my spiritual successor to the CD-i games (Project RZ). I wanted to ask here first, seeing as you all are experts. This is a very, very early version of the game using placeholder assets, without proper music or cutscenes. You will need to sign an NDA to play. I have a lot of talented people helping me bring this game to life, and that's very exciting. I know I've been saying it for months but I do hope to show you all something when I can! I'm working very hard to make sure it's a game that's fun to play, but also a worthy, funny, wonderful follow up to the CD-i games."
[Thanks, Dopply]