Philips Media France made specific big box releases of high profile CD-i title, to compete against CD-ROM games and to give them more exposure. CD-i games like Chaos Control, Secret Mission, Flashback, Voyeur and The 7th Guest all received a big box version. Today we are looking at the packaging of the Chaos Control release, released in 1995. Only in France, this came in a big box. Chaos Control is one of the titles that received some different packagings. It was also one of the final USA CD-i releases and showed some remarkable differences, comparing the European and USA CD-i release. Chaos Control is also the only CD-i game that was pressed on a full-coloured demonstration disc (opposed to the white demo discs). Finally, in France they also made a non-playable (=so a video CD) demo version of Chaos Control, something Philips also did to Burn:Cycle.