This voucher was posted by CD-i member Retrostuff and apparently seen in some early UK CD-i releases:
A nice promotion example in a pre-internet era, you were able to save up for a free CD-i title in UK by collecting these vouchers which were included in CD-i releases. Each one of them was worth 6 pounds. In The Netherlands, we did not have something like this, at least not that we are aware of :)
These vouchers were printed by Philips IMS in Dorking, home of CD-i in the UK. The first Dorking Studio was also responsible for CD-i conversions of The 7th Guest and Microcosm, as well as working on Lemmings, Striker Pro and other CD-i conversions, which would later end up in the Research labs of ADS (Arcade Classics, Pac-Panic and Atlantis: The Last Resort)